Our upcoming event on 16th July is The Inflatables, there have been some concerns regarding possible large numbers of followers coming to the club,
We have decided on the following:
MEMBERS can sign in 2 guests as normal (obviously people you actually know and are going to be in the company of)
NON MEMBERS will be admitted from 9pm space permitting.
Please bring your membership card as we will be checking them at the door
Our priority is that members have a good night and enjoy the band
* Saturday 23rd July
* 10.30am pick-up from The Ashton
* 48 spaces available
* £30pp, this includes return coach AND your entrance ticket!
* Back in time to watch the wonderful Jennah sing at the club in the evening
The sign up sheet will be live from tonight in the foyer of the club, we do ask that when you’re signing up that you then go and pay the £30 to a member of staff behind the bar & they will give you a receipt for proof of payment. It is on a first come first served basis.
and finally, this is a members only trip as we have heavily subsidised the travel to benefit members.
From 1st June we will be giving an incentive to use your membership cards when purchasing at the
Give the staff your card EVERY time you buy something and it will register, we will then take the top
10 users each month and put them in a draw to win £100 spend money on their card
Bar Vacancies
in the Ashton Club. Part-time and full-time, £10ph.
Contact us if interested